*Using Steam API
Steam Investor helps track item prices in the Steam Marketplace.
- Support for the most popular games on Steam (Cs: go, Pubg, etc.).
- 20 slots for items.
- real-time tracking of item prices (prices exactly the same with the prices in the Steam Marketplace).
- Comparison purchase price of the item with the real one.
- Simple and easy to understand interface.
Whether you are a SELLER or a BUYER of Steam items, this is a perfect app for you.
* Menggunakan Steam API
Steam Investor membantu melacak harga barang di Steam Marketplace.
- Dukungan untuk gim paling populer di Steam (Cs: go, Pubg, dll.).
- 20 slot untuk item.
- Pelacakan real-time dari harga barang (harga persis sama dengan harga di Steam Marketplace).
- Membandingkan harga pembelian barang dengan barang asli.
- Antarmuka yang sederhana dan mudah dimengerti.
Apakah Anda PENJUAL atau PEMBELI barang Steam, ini adalah aplikasi yang sempurna untuk Anda.